Declaration of health Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Name *FirstLastHave you ever had any surgery? *YesNoWhich one?Do you use any medication? *YesNoFor What?Any particular pain/limitation? *Are you prengnant, have you had high or low blood pressure, had a cardiovascular problem, or are you having a fever? *YesNoDo you drink water regularly? *YesNoDo You Smoke? *YesNoalcohol? *YesNoAny cardiovascular problems? *Any allergies? *Emergency contact: *Phone *Observação *I declare that I am aware of the risks involved in practicing Yoga and experiences that are an integral part of the course, and that I am in perfect health conditions (physical and mental). Any damages they may cause me are entirely my responsibility. I am aware that the IYogaYou School, its directors, as well as its professors and invited professionals, are exempt of any responsibilitySend